Monday, May 25, 2020

The Restorative Power of Hugs (with bonus visualization)

The Benefits of Hugging

Hugs have the power to restore us emotionally. They calm the nervous system. Think about the last time you gave or received a really good hug. How did your body feel? You probably got a nice boost of ocytocin and some of the natural opioids your brain makes.

A hug can also release feelings you've been holding inside. If you've been putting on a brave face for your kids or your colleagues, but inside you're feeling depressed, lonely, or worried, you are so not alone. Alongside the pandemic of COVID-19, is another, silent pandemic - grief and post-traumatic stress.

You may not be acknowledging your grief - especially if it seems insignificant compared to those who have lost loved ones. But there is cumulative grief - grief from a million tiny losses that adds up over time. And it may be that a good hug would allow you the relief of a much-needed cry.

Along with the emotional benefits of hugging, there are physical benefits too. Research reveals that hugging decreases stress and boosts the immune system.

Can a Self-Hug Work?

So what do you do if you're quarantined alone or you live with people who you don't hug for one reason or another?

Fortunately, you brain comes equipped with everything you need to enjoy a hug, even when you're on your own. They key is activating your imagination through your senses. This is akin to visualizing - but the sense you're working with is not sight. It's touch.

If you allow yourself to really engage in a true hug, with all the warmth and care you would give a beloved friend, you can get all the benefits of a hug from someone else. The key is really feeling the feels. To that end, I created a guided visualization and a how-to guide (which includes information on dealing with a skeptical inner critic). You can access the guide for free here.

I hope you develop a self-hugging practice that leaves you feeling calmer, more relaxed, and healthier.

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